
By default pkger will look for the config file named .pkger.yml in the config directory appropriate for the OS that pkger is run on. If there is no global configuration, current directory will be scanned for the same file. To specify the location of the config file use --config or -c parameter.

The configuration file has a following structure:

# required
recipes_dir: ""
output_dir: ""

# optional
log_dir: ""
images_dir: ""
runtime_uri: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

# Disable colored output globally
no_color: true

  # this will make the ssh auth socket available to the container so that it can use private keys from the host.
  forward_agent: true

  # This will allow tools that use SSH to connect to hosts that are not present in the `known_hosts` file
  disable_key_verification: true

# override default images used by pkger
  deb: ubuntu:latest
  rpm: centos:latest

# To define custom images add the following
  - name: rocky
    target: rpm
  - name: debian
    target: deb
# if pkger fails to find out the operating system you can specify it by os parameter
  - name: arch
    target: pkg
    os: Arch Linux

The required fields when running a build are recipes_dir and output_dir. First tells pkger where to look for recipes to build, the second is the directory where the final packages will end up.

When using custom images their location can be specified with images_dir.

If container runtime daemon that pkger should connect does not run on a default unix socket override the uri with runtime_uri parameter. pkger will automatically determine wether the provided runtime uri is a Podman or Docker daemon.

If an option is available as both configuration parameter and cli argument pkger will favour the arguments passed during startup.

Generate configuration file and directories

To quickly start of with pkger use the pkger init subcommand that will create necessary directories and the configuration file. Default locations can be overridden by command line parameters.