
pkger has 3 defined build phases - configure, build and install of which only build is required to create a package.

Each phase has field called steps that takes an array of steps to execute during a given phase. A step can be a simple string that will be executed in the default shell like "echo 123" or an entry that specifies on what targets it should be executed like:

    - cmd: >-
        echo only on deb targets
      deb: true

To set a working directory during the script phase set the working_dir parameter like so:

  working_dir: /tmp

Environment variables are available for this field so this is possible:


To use a different shell to execute each command set the shell parameter:

  shell: "/bin/bash" # optionally change default `/bin/sh`

configure (Optional)

Optional configuration steps. If provided the steps will be executed before the build phase. The working directory will be set to $PKGER_BLD_DIR

  shell: "/bin/bash"
    - cmd: >-
        curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

build (Required)

This is the phase where the package should be assembled/compiled/linked and so on. All steps executed during the build will have the working directory seto to $PKGER_BLD_DIR. This directory will contain either extracted sources if source is specified in metadata or a git repository if git was specified.

    - cmd: $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release .
    - images: [ debian ]
      cmd: echo 'hello from Debian' # will only be executed on image `debian`

    - cmd: echo 'will only run on images with target == `rpm`'
      rpm: true
    # same applies to other targets
      pkg: false
      apk: false
      deb: false
      gzip: falze

    - cmd: echo 'only on version 0.2.0'
      versions: [ 0.2.0 ]
    # fields can also be combined
    - cmd: echo 'only on debian version 0.2.0'
      versions: [ 0.2.0 ]
      images: [ debian ]

install (Optional)

Optional steps that (if provided) will be executed after the build phase. Working directory of each step will be set to $PKGER_OUT_DIR so you can use relative paths with commands like install. Each file that ends up in $PKGER_OUT_DIR will be available in the final package unless explicitly excluded by exclude field in metadata. So in the example below, the file that is installed will be available as /usr/bin/pkger with permissions preserved.

    - cmd: >-
        install -m755 $PKGER_BLD_DIR/target/release/pkger usr/bin/pkger